Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kites :-/

There's something to be said in favour of internet movie streaming. If I had spent good money on watching Kites in a cinema, I would have kicked myself!! This movie could not have been more predictable if they had tried to make it so!
For example, one scene goes like this:

HR, BM and a sidekick have just gotten away(again) from the goons who are in hot pursuit. Time for a song and dance break for HR and BM, while sidekick goes off to get fake passports made.
Sidekick rushes to HR and BM's house (by which time the song gets over), stands outside a window and screams "I have your passports"
HR and BM grin stupidly at Sidekick.
Sidekick grins back even more stupidly at HR and BM.
Everybody continues grinning stupidly at each other through the glass for a minute without making a move. (you can actually feel the next part coming, the way they all grin at each other through the glass)
And then - bham (surprise!) - sidekick's brain's are splattered all over the window, the goons appear and HR and BM make a run for it. [I had easily 30 seconds to turn my head away - it was that obvious!]

And eventually it turns out that the passports are completely irrelevant to the plot(except maybe as an excuse to finish of sidekick/third wheel). 

The rest of the plot(!?) was just as senseless. HR in the initial scenes as a small time crook/dance instructor, looks and talks like Brad Pitt in Snatch, but the accent and look change very quickly without any explanation. KB plays a casino owner who without hesitation cuts off the ears(before killing) of someone caught cheating in his casino, but says "you have to know when to leave the table" when BM and HR, who are engaged to his children decide to elope with each other, after knocking his son out cold!

The movie is hyped and sold as a "love has no language barrier" romance, but it turns into a chase-n-run after the falling in love bit is quickly dispensed with by using a song, even before the first half hour of the movie is over. The rest of the movie is only made up of not very heart pounding chase sequences.

Maybe I'm just ranting because there was no happy ending for consolation either!

@HR: There's a very fine line between having a greek god like physique and looking like Marvel comics mutant. Please tread carefully :)

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